Past Events (Page 39)

Past Events (Page 39)

Summer INDOOR Worship – 5th Sunday

Join us for INDOOR Worship this Sunday!  If you have been keeping track we worship outdoor the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month and indoor on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month but today is the 5th Sunday of the month so we stay inside!  Remember that summer is the perfect time to invite a friend to church!  ALL ARE WELCOME! 

Mission Trip

11 Youth and 2 Chaperone’s at Lake Traverse, South Dakota for Mission Trip 2019!  

Summer INDOOR Worship

Please join us for worship Indoors as we begin our journey through the Ordinary Days of Pentecost.  Fellowship will follow.   ALL ARE WELCOME! 

Summer OUTDOOR Worship

Join us for worship as we celebrate Holy Trinity Sunday and with the tangible mystery of Holy Communion. Remember to dress accordingly and watch the weather.  If it is rainy we will be inside and as always, Fellowship will follow. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Summer INDOOR Worship

Join us for worship indoors this week with a message from Synodical Bishop, Terry Brandt and the coming of the Holy Spirit.  Remember to wear RED for Pentecost and as always, fellowship will follow. Pray for those who are attending Synod Assembly this weekend!

Summer Concert Series

Join us in welcoming Beyond Blue to the Outdoor Worship Stage at Maple Sheyenne on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 7:00 pm.  This is a FREE Concert and ALL ARE WELCOME!  Treats served indoors after concert!

1st Outdoor Worship

Come join us for OUTDOOR worship and enjoy being one with creation.  Remember to dress appropriately for the weather and if it is raining, of course we will be inside! Holy Communion with Gluten Free Option Available! As always fellowship will follow!        

Memorial Day Sunset Service

Join us in the MSLC Cemetery for a Sunset service to honor and remember those who have fought the fight for freedom.  A service including, prayer, taps and highlighting a local hero will be followed by a time of fellowship in Maple Hall. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Book Club

Join us as we discuss “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet” by Jamie Ford. You are invited to bring a dish to pass.  Drinks are provided!

S.S. Potluck Picnic

Come celebrate the kick off to summer schedule and the Sunday School’s summer hiatus with a potluck picnic after our 9:30 am worship.