Past Events (Page 44)

Past Events (Page 44)

Palm Sunday LYO BRUNCH

Our LYO (6th – 12th Grade Youth) will be serving a delicious brunch with egg bakes, fruit and muffins/rolls.  Please join us! A free will offering will be taken to offset the meal and any proceeds remaining will be used to offset the expenses of LYO Ministry Events.

Midweek Lenten Worship

Each Wednesday during Lent we sing the Holden Evening Prayer by Marty Haugen as our Liturgy.  This year we are focusing on Luther’s Small Catechism and how it still applies to our lives today as we seek to be disciples of Christ.

Ministry Review

CONGREGATIONAL MINISTRY REVIEW WHY: To aid the council in prioritizing goals and understanding our unique context with its challenges and advantages, the council has asked the synod to do a ministry review. This review is a long range and short range planning option the synod offers to congregations as an option to aid in their planning and goal setting. MSLC’s council…