Past Events (Page 34)

Past Events (Page 34)

Midweek Lenten Worship

Living In Faith Everyday … You go to church, you give your tithe, you may even read your Bible but how does your faith inform your daily life? Does following Jesus make a difference in your job, your retirement, your school, your hobbies or your family? We will explore this during our Midweek Lenten worship starting March 13th!  Join us for dinner at 6pm and worship…

Midweek Lenten Meal

Join us for a simple meal every Wednesday during Lent starting Ash Wednesday, March 6th and continuing until Wednesday, April 10th at 6pm.  Stay for the Midweek Lenten worship after!  It is always good to gather around food and one another! 

1st Communion Instruction

 All children are invited to attend this one day class on Communion.  Whether you already partake or are interested in doing it for the first time, join us for bread baking, story making, table setting and learn about the joys of being part of the Body of Christ!  Please let Pastor Nichole know you are attending so we have enough supplies! 

LYO Movie Night

When:  Friday, March 15th @ 6:30 pm Where:  New Youth Room Digs  Why:  It will be fun – Come as you are!